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 Economy: Jobs and Employment

The Bloc Québécois’ economic beliefs state the provinces should have better control over their own economies to better represent their beliefs and traditions; to do this they ask that eight billion dollars per year in federal transfers to the provinces in order to eliminate fiscal imbalance. The Bloc Québécois also believe that a more generous Employment Insurance should be provided so that would reach more workers of all types and scale back existing surpluses. The gasoline surtax should be eliminated and the Bloc Québécois want to take various measures to reduce the dependence on Québec’s oil. A new infrastructure rebuilding should be run by the government of Québec. The funding of economic and social development organizations should be re-established.


Environmental responsibility is very important to the Bloc Quebecois. For example, they would like to enhance renewable energy programs. The party believes that development of clean, renewable energy sources should be a priority. Ideally, a tax on non-renewable energy would be imposed. They also want to invest in wind energy, hydro-electric energy and off-shore oil.


The Bloc Quebecois is investing in public transit to help eliminate pollution. Taking the bus, train, subway, tram or trolley is a lot better for the environment rather than everyone driving their own cars. The party would also like to promote carpooling.

Toxics in Consumer Products

The Quebecois party is currently working on banning the production, promotion and marketing of all products that could pose as a health risk. They are pressuring the federal government to update the Hazardous Products Act. For example, since 2008 the Bloc Quebecois have wanted a ban on prepared foods containing Bisphenol A.

Climate Plan 

The party plans on creating a plan to meet a greenhouse gas emission target. They would write progress 

Marine Protected Areas

Less than 1% of Canada’s oceans are protected. If the Bloc Quebecois were elected, they would commit to establishing marine protected areas in large freshwater lakes and oceans by 2020. They believe that they would be able to achieve this goal if they had help from the federal government.

Arts and Culture:

Art and culture are very important to the people of Quebec. Music, dance, theatre and festivals are very popular in the province. However, the French are afraid that they will lose their culture due to the fact they are the only French speaking majority in North America. To make things worse, the Federal government wants to cut back on Canada’s entertainment budget. In order to preserve their culture, 

Bloc Quebecois want to raise budgets on their art industry. The party is currently trying to change many policies regarding art and culture. For example The Bloc Quebecois would like to:

- increase funding for the Quebec film industry to 20 million dollars a year.

 -increase budgets for the Canadian Council of the Arts to 300 million dollars. 

- give Quebec control of broadcasting in the province.

 - introduce legislation for the recognition of a Quebec national film industry.

-create a documentary film fund with $10 million of annual financing.

-introduce legislation to allow artists' salaries to be averaged over five years for tax purposes.

-defend and promote Quebec's culture by supporting creators and artists.

Crime and Justice: 


The Bloc Quebecois have many thoughts surrounding crime. They Bloc Quebecois think that that guilty members of organized crime should have to prove that their assets were legally aquired. They also think that prisoners should not be allowed to be released after serving one sixth of their original sentence, and they would like to request a larger budget for the National Strategy for Crime Prevention. The Bloc Quebecois want to make criminal organisations such as the Hell's Angels illegal. 

The rest of their points surround those main thoughts. The Bloc Quebecois' opinion on crime is that it should be treated fairly that we should not have to tolerate things such as gang violence and stealing, but we should not use the death penatly as a threat.




Citizen, The Ottawa. "Platform: The Bloc Québécois Party." | Canada's great, shareable stories. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2013. <>.

 "Bloc Quebecois Platform." Voter Alamac. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2013. <>.

 "Apathy is Boring - Political Parties - Bloc Québécois." Apathy Is Boring. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2013. <>.

"Apathy is Boring - Political Parties - Bloc Québécois." Apathy Is Boring. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2013. <>

"ELECTION 2011: WHERE DO THE PARTIES STAND ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES? | - Environmental Defence."Environmental Defence. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2013. <>.

"Apathy is Boring - Political Parties - Bloc Québécois." Apathy Is Boring. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2013. <>.

"Apathy is Boring - Political Parties - Bloc Québécois." Apathy Is Boring. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2013. <>.

In regards to agriculture, the Bloc Quebecois believe that the approval process of certain pesticides should be sped up. They should also support the supply management system, as well as create an agricultural transfer savings system. They want to relax the Home Buyer’s Plan rules. The Bloc Quebecois are against all trade agreements that threaten the supply management system, and they believe that the farm transfer rule should affect other immediate family members instead of just children and grandchildren. The logging company is important to the Bloc Quebecois, so they plan to pressure the Federal government into investing in it, in order for it to be revitalized. Lastly, they want the federal government to think about the requests of research in the agricultural industry.

Democratic Reform: 

The Bloc Quebecois believe that the Senate should be abolished and they strongly oppose all federal movements that target lessening Quebec's political power. The last thing that the Bloc Quebecois want to see is Quebec's power depleting, so they are trying as hard as possible to prevent that from happening. They also want to ensure that the nomination of judges by the federal government are soley based on merit. In addition, the Quebcois want to continue to moniter the federal government. 

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